
Thornleigh West has an active, dedicated group of parents and citizens committed to providing interesting and enjoyable events for students and parents as well as providing financial and organisational support to the school.

The P&C has a number of subcommittees including Band, Fundraising, Mothers and Fathers Day Gift Group and Green Thumbs. We also run the Canteen & Uniform Shop and employ a manager to run each. We also support School Banking, Book Club and Ethics. The P&C President & committee convenors communicate to the parent body via regular P&C Facebook page updates

P&C Email:
Uniform Shop Email:
Canteen Email:
Band Email is
Treasury Email is
Assistant Treasurer Email is

P&C Committee Members 2021
President: Meera Seemampillai
Vice Presidents:
 Jarrod Myers + Vacant
Greg Chard
Assistant Treasurer:
Mel Hogan
Assistant Secretary: Belinda Tasker
General Members (6)  Nicci Fishwick, Belinda Tasker, Melanie Winthorpe, Emma Fenton, Carolyn Roberts, Therese Neville
Fundraising Convenor: Brooke Roser
Band Convenor: Aimi Forsyth
MDFDGG Convenor: Therese Neville

Green Thumbs Convenor: Melanie Winthorpe

The Role of the P&C at TWPS

What is the Role of the P&C? (From NSW P&C Federation website)

The objects and functions of this association shall be those set out in Section 116 of the Education Act 1990 which include

(i) The objects:

    1. to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation; and
    2. to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.

(ii) The functions:

  1. to report, when requested by the Minister for Education and Training, on the material requirements of the school and to advise on the subject of maintenance of the school, alterations and additions to school facilities, and the selection of new sites;
  2. to assist and co-operate with the teaching staff in public functions associated with the school;
  3. to be responsible for the election of parent representatives to any school council constituted at the school in consultation with the Principal of the school to ensure consistency with any guidelines for elections issued by the Director-General of Education and Training;
  4. to assist in any matters in which the Minister may seek the co-operation of the association and to exercise such other functions as may be prescribed by the regulations (under the Education Act, 1990). The assets and income of the association shall be applied solely to further these objects and functions. No part of the assets and income shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the association except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the association
  5. The association shall not exercise any authority over the teaching staff or any matter relating to the control or management of the school. School staff may become members of the association. The Principal of the school, or the Principal’s nominee, shall be a member, ex-officio, of the association and all its committees.

At TWPS, the P&C Executive is made up of: President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.

The TWPS P&C is part of the Sydney North West Region P&C Associations as well as The Federation of P&C Associations of NSW.

What does the P&C do?

The P&C is one way parents can get informed and involved in their child’s education at Thornleigh West Public School. Parents can hear about what is going on at school and offer feedback.

The P&C also has responsibility for a number of other organisations within the school. Each of these organisations is run by a sub-committee of the P&C:

  • Band
  • Fundraising
  • Mother’s Day / Father’s Day Gift Group
  • TWPS Green Thumbs

In our role to “to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school,” the P&C carries out many fundraising activities at school. Fundraising over the years have been via Spring Fairs, Movie Nights, Colour Runs, BBQs, Mufti Days, Special Canteen Days, Online Fundraisers throughout the year. Each year the Fundraising Committee will release a calendar of events so families can see what is planned for the year.

The P&C does a lot of fundraising. Where does that money go?

Any money raised by the P&C goes straight back to the school. In the last several years the P&C has paid for upgrades in classrooms including Smartboards /TVs & air-conditioning in every classroom, outdoor learning spaces, 2 Defibrillators (one in the office. one in the hall), new library books, a water bottle refill station, a full upgrade of the PA systems across the entire school (upgraded over 3 years), telephones in each classroom, a ‘big ass’ fan ( in the school hall, the set-up of an online ordering / payment system plus monetary contributions toward school activities such as Wakakirri, Band program, the Year 6 farewell and classroom budgets for each teacher. Money raised each year is spent on tangible items and is spent inclusively so it benefits all students at TWPS.

When does the P&C meet?

The P&C meets in Week 3 and Week 8 of each term on a Tuesday night (unless otherwise notified). We meet at 7.30pm in the school Library. It is always best to follow the P&C Facebook page for updates and announcements.

We have an Annual General Meeting in Term 1 (Week 8), when all positions are declared vacant and elections are held for the Executive Committee positions. This is held after the P&C general meeting. As per the TWPS Rules, all executive positions are held for a maximum of a 3 year tenure.

What happens at a P&C Meeting?

To find out what is happening at the next Meeting, look for the Agenda on this website or on the TWPS P&C Facebook page.

The meeting will include a Principal’s report. This is followed by full reports from all of the P&C Sub-committees including the President. We then discuss any issues raised on the Agenda. If a motion is proposed based on the discussions, then a vote is held. Anyone can put an item on the Agenda for discussion – you just need to let the P&C Secretary know via email.

What do I need to do to attend a Meeting?

You just need to turn up! Everyone is welcome to come along!

How do I vote at a Meeting?

You must pay an annual membership fee of $1 which therefore makes you a financial member and can then vote at a P&C Meeting. You do not have to be a financial member of the P&C to attend meetings. Membership can be paid via Flexischools. Membership becomes effective at the end of the next General Meeting you have paid prior to. The register shall be updated by the Secretary after each general meeting as per the P&C Constitution.

I think my child gets too much homework. Can I put this on the Agenda for a P&C Meeting?

A P&C Meeting is not the forum for specific issues relating to an individual child or member of staff. These are best discussed with the teacher or the Principal.

Any issues of a general nature relating to the school can be placed on the Agenda for discussion and we value parents’ input in this way.

 Am I going to get roped in to volunteer for something if I attend a meeting?

The TWPS P&C does love volunteers! Many of the great things that happen at school would not be able to run without the help of volunteers.  However, you are welcome to come to a P&C Meeting regardless of whether you’d like to take a more active role in the life of the school, you can have any input into a discussion at P&C meetings, or if you’re happy to just listen to what’s going on. If you would like to raise an item it must be placed on the Agenda.

Does the P&C charge a subscription?

The P&C asks families to pay a voluntary subscription at the beginning of each year. This and the other fundraising events we run are the P&C’s major source of income, which allows us to support the school financially. We ask for $100 per family per year split over 2 invoices – Term 1 is invoiced as $60 and Term 3 is invoiced as $40. We appreciate families contributing and paying this voluntary subscription. It makes a huge difference in what we can support the school with each year.

 Any other questions?

Please email the P&C at  if you have any questions.

Helpful links:

NSW P&C Federation…/general/…/DN_07_00072.doc             

The Partnership Between Schools and Established Parent Organisations

Canteen and Uniform Sub Committee Rules

Canteen Uniform Roles and Responsibilities 

Band Sub-Committee Rules TWPS

TWPS Fundraising Terms of Reference

TWPS_Uniform Shop Terms of Reference

TWPS MDFDGG Terms of Reference

TWPS Garden Terms of Reference

Expenses Claim P&C TWPS