TWPS Kitchen Garden

TWPS Kitchen garden

In 2011 we started planning our kitchen garden, together with OOSH and our dedicated P&C. By 2013 we had established four raised beds and were harvesting our first crops.  Since then we have not looked back. We now have eight raised beds, a water tank, an outdoor sink, four compost bins, a shed, a sturdy outdoor table, a covered seating area and a native bee hive. Our thanks to the wonderful support we receive from our P&C.

Our img_1893latest addition are two no water wicking beds, a most welcome addition to the garden. Fruit trees, herbs, a variety of seasonal vegetables and colourful flowers all grow abundantly in the garden.

Students and teachers enjoy planting seedlings at the start of each season. We have a garden club run by a keen parent who generously donates her time and expertise to our garden. The school’s food scraps fill our compost bins which we use to fertilize our beds. Once a term we have a working bee to prepare the beds for a new crop.

The garden provides a wonderful teaching resource for our school and a calming space for our students. Any time of the school day you will find teachers and students pottering in the garden.

Visit our garden now and enjoy a little bit of serenity!

‘The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.’

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